3 ways to improve the customer experience

Booking a cruise for a holiday is now much simpler than ever, but that only applies to customers.  For a cruise retailer, there’s tons of admin work needed to be done across multiple departments when a booking is made.  These are tasks such as matching transaction data, sending booking confirmations, or validating any types of documents that are vital for the business.  Cruise staff are over-whelmed with these tasks, and therefore do not focus on the customer experience.

The avg. admin cost of one simple manual task in 2022 UK* “£1.24 / task”

To deal with this problem, automation comes into play.  Depending on your operational model and business needs, various technology solutions can be used to reduce costs and increase your process efficiency… 

  • Corporate inbox automation
    Confirmation, invoices, new bookings, enquiries, or refunds that are coming from customers, suppliers or between departments via email always leads to a mess. However, with RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology, the task from opening an email, reading an email, and extracting an email’s key information, to categorising an email, downloading an email’s attachment and sending extracted details to a designated system can now be fully automated – leaving complexity in the hands of digital workers.


  • Document checking automation
    Any documents that require staff to double-check before further processing can also be automated. That means, your staff no longer need to sit in front of a computer and “eye-balling” a scan to make sure the details from a supplier invoice are a match to your internal system before sending it to accounts payable. This document reconciliation automation is particularly useful for a cruise business to ensure that all booking details are coherent across the customers, the suppliers, and yourself.  This, increases efficiency and minimises the chance of delivering incorrect information to your customers due to unavoidable human error.


  • Business data warehouse solution
    Apart from automation, creating or restructuring a Data Warehouse is also a great way for cruise businesses to boost their operational efficiency and business performance. As a transactional-based business, it often requires different types of data analysis and monitoring in order to make strategic decisions. A well-designed data warehouse replaced the traditional way of generating business reports with lots of linear SQL query writing which is very inefficient compared to a data warehouse. 

With digital automation, cruise retailers can now smartly overcome most of the operational inefficiency. Saing all the unnecessary manual amind cost, improving customer experience and unlocking your business’s potential. 


Validating Oracle financial journals


Automating booking confirmations